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BrandingContent MarketingBrand Storytelling

Brand Storytelling for Geospatial Brands (In a Nutshell)

Brand storytelling isn’t a mysterious black art 🔮

Yet most geospatial brands don’t use it effectively.

Because they’re confused about…

⁉️ Which stories to tell and when

⁉️ How to use their customers’ hero’s journey

⁉️ How storytelling & marketing work together

To break down some of this confusion, let’s first define brand storytelling.

What is brand storytelling?

In essence, brand storytelling is simply a messaging strategy that communicates your brand (positioning, value system, identity) over time to build brand equity.

And those messages are deployed through your content (and other) marketing.

Therefore, you need 2 things for effective brand storytelling:

1/ Your core brand messages (based on internal arc)

2/ A content marketing strategy (based on external arc)

The internal arc is your customers’ hero’s journey.

➡ It’s understanding where they are mentally and emotionally and how they’re going to realise their transformation (with your help).

The external arc is their customer journey.

➡ How they move through your organisation, which stage of awareness are they at, and what information they need at every step to progress.

Now layer them on top of each other and you’ve got yourself a powerful, story-driven content strategy.

Here’s how the process works

1️⃣ Step 1:

Pinpoint your customers’ most fundamental problem and how you address it. Then, turn this insight into a short statement that includes who, what, how, and why. Nothing fancy – it can be as simple as a mission statement. This becomes your core brand story.

2️⃣ Step 2:

Split your customer base either by the different services they require or the different outcomes they want to achieve. Then, map the internal hero’s journey of each segment. In other words, where they are now and where they want to end up. These become your story pillars.

3️⃣ Step 3:

Brainstorm the questions, pain points, objections, and obstacles of each customer segment at each stage of consumer awareness. These become your content topics per segment at each step.

4️⃣ Step 4:

Create high-value content assets around each topic (e.g. podcasts, videos, white papers, case studies) and then chunk the asset into smaller assets (e.g. blog articles, newsletter articles, social media posts.)

5️⃣ Step 5:

Ensure each asset aligns with the hero’s journey of the respective story pillar and relates back to your overall brand story.

BOOM! You’ve got a fine-tuned content engine that consistently communicates your brand story and builds your brand equity over time.

Do this 👆 and you’ll quickly have your winning edge.

Want a more detailed rundown of the exact process? Check out our in-depth article here.

Want to disrupt the status quo with brand storytelling that will grab your prospects by the eyeballs and keep ’em hooked? 

You know what to do 👉 Get in touch

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