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Make your geospatial brand stand out

Make your geospatial brand stand out

With Captivating Brand Messaging and Content Marketing

Say goodbye to undifferentiated positioning and boring messaging 👋

We help bold geospatial companies become the obvious choice through highly-effective brand messaging & content marketing


Most geospatial brands don’t have a clear and compelling brand message

The result?

They lack the critical foundation for effective marketing. 

Because if you fail to articulate what you do and  – more importantly – why it matters, your marketing strategy won’t land; i.e…

  • Your customers won’t “get” the value you offer
  • Your website copy will be far too generic to really appeal
  • Your content will be all over the place and not respond to a real need
  • Your marketing campaigns will be disjointed and have limited impact

In short, you’ll struggle to build brand awareness, authority, and trust.

We’re here to change that…

Every hero needs a sidekick

Think of us as your trusty sidekick...

Your brand message is your superpower. It sets you apart from your competition and helps you win your market. But only if you can communicate it effectively.

We’ll help you capture expertise from your team, customers, and partners to create a brand messaging and marketing strategy that gives people the reason they need to choose you.

Together, we can be invincible.



We are proud to have helped some of the world’s leading Geospatial superheroes since 2011.
And we would love to help you too.


We’re not your standard marketing agency. And we know you have questions (inquisitive geospatial leader, you).
We’ve answered the most common ones here, but please reach out if your thirst for infos hasn’t been fully quenched.

Who do you mean by "Geospatial brands"?

The short answer: we’re talking about businesses, startups, or individuals who work with spatial data and/or phenomena.

The nuanced answer: Admittedly, we take the term “geospatial” quite loosely to encompass everything from Earth observation, to 3D modelling, GIS services (Saas), geospatial services (consulting & analysis in diverse fields like transportation, utilities, climate risk, environmental, etc.), GeoInt, GeoAI, and more.

We know it’s a growing industry with (increasingly) fuzzy borders, and we love working across the board.

I'm just starting out with my business idea / startup; is this right for me?

YES! The earlier in your business journey that you think about your customer persona, differentiation, value proposition, and competitive messaging the better!

The work we do together is instrumental in shaping your GTM and will help you secure funding down the track, if that’s the route you’re pursuing.

Many brands spin their wheels for years because they don’t nail these foundations early on, so starting here will save you a ton of headache in the long run.

How do your services fit in with my existing marketing strategy?

If you have a marketing team / strategy and you’re worried this work could interfere with what they’re doing, fear not! We work with you to complement (not replace) what you’re already doing.

⁉️ Perhaps you have customer personas, but your messaging doesn’t guide them through the sales journey effectively – we can help.

⁉️ Perhaps  you’ve got your vision, mission, and values worked out, but they don’t come through in your unique brand voice – we can help.

⁉️ Perhaps you’ve got a content strategy but it’s not fully aligned with your customer journey – we can help.

⁉️ Perhaps your marketing is working great but your website isn’t converting those hard earned leads – we can help.

All of this comes down to nailing your positioning and messaging across the customer journey, which is our core area of expertise. And the output of our work will amplify (not replace) your growth marketing, product marketing, brand marketing, and sales processes.

I'm on a shoestring budget, can we still work together?

If you’re not yet ready for a full-scale marketing strategy, we can help you work through targeted problems or create once-off campaigns in a series of 1:1 consulting sessions.

This is best suited for early stage start-ups or individuals who need help with specific marketing challenges like defining a product narrative, creating a LinkedIn strategy, or optimising their website.

Will I work with a geospatial marketing expert, or do you outsource to subcontractors?

No, we don’t ever outsource to subcontractors.

When you work with us, you’ll always get both Helena and Isabella on the job with our unique combined skillsets. You can check out our About page to find out what they are.

You talk about content marketing... but what about other types of marketing?

There are three core marketing avenues that are most relevant to Geospatial brands – i.e.

1️⃣ Content marketing

2️⃣ Product marketing

3️⃣ Growth marketing

And each of these has several sub-roles and functions.

So there’s A LOT to consider when you’re putting together your marketing strategy 😮‍💨

But – luckily – these marketing functions are not disjointed from one another. In fact, they are very closely related. Here’s how:

Your positioning and messaging is the foundation that underlies the success of your entire marketing engine. So you’ll need that first. (That’s where our brand workshop comes in).

Next, you’ll need to communicate that positioning and messaging via your content assets. (That’s where our content marketing services come in).

Without those fundamentals, your entire marketing engine crumbles. Because growth marketing and product marketing depend on messaging and content marketing.

E.g., consider the following marketing channels 👇

🚀 Email marketing

✅ Needs content


✅ Needs content

🚀 Social media

✅ Needs content

🚀 Events

✅ Needs content


✅ Needs content

🚀 Website

✅ Needs content


✅ Needs content

🚀 Webinars

✅ Needs content

🚀 Landing pages

✅ Needs content

(Not to mention the content needed by sales.)

And for all that content to be effective, it needs to communicate a clear and compelling brand message in a way that’s appropriate for the channel, medium, and stage in the customer journey.

So the order in which to execute your marketing strategy is:

Message ➡ Content ➡ Channels

We help you nail the first two, i.e. messaging and content, and then work in with your in-house team or specialised contractors (e.g. SEO agencies, PPC specialists, etc.) to leverage your channels for maximum ROI.

We're in a different time zone; how would the meetings work?

You’re in good company – most of our clients are based across the world and we always manage to find a mutually agreeable time for meetings.

Our rule of thumb is to make it work during YOUR business hours. Even if that means we have to get up (super) early or work late. So rest assured, time difference isn’t an issue.

My business isn't geospatial-related; can we still work together

Yes, we’ve helped clients from a range of tech industries, including FinOps, Business Intelligence, EdTech, SaaS, and more.

Our value proposition of “talk to us like your tech team but we’ll communicate it like humans” still holds true. And, if there’s anything we don’t understand off the bat, we’ll make sure to ask.


Want to Become the Obvious Choice Through Effective
Brand Messaging & Content Marketing?

Schedule a discovery call with Tales Consulting today


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